Posted on Friday, April 26, 2019

The trade body for ‘home stagers’ says that properties that have been dressed sell three times faster than those that have not.
The Home Staging Association UK & Ireland has published a report containing figures based on 106 responses to a study conducted between January and April this year.
Those who responded included agents, developers and property managers.
The reports says 85 per cent of respondents claimed that a staged home sells up to three times faster than a non-staged property.
Some 94 per cent of the agents and 100 per cent of developers confirmed that home staging increased the number of viewings for a property.
“With houses currently sitting on the market at an average of 19 weeks, from initial listing to final offer, this is good news for those looking for a speedy sale in a sluggish market” says the association.
All respondents said home staging makes it easier for a buyer to visualise the property as their future home, and 75 per cent claimed buyers spend more time viewing a home that has been professionally staged.
When comparing similar properties, 38 per cent of respondents stated home staging increased the offer value by between one and three per cent and a further 16 per cent cited a seven to 10 per cent rise in offer value.
All respondents reported properties with professional photos getting more viewings than properties with poorer quality images.
Credit: Graham Norwood - Estate Agent Today